The Weehawken Dueling Grounds is a place where dueling was done between 1700 and 1884. It is located below the cliffs of the New Jersey Palisades, right next to the Hudson River. There were at least 18 known duels to occur there between 1700 and 1884, but is most famously known for the duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr in 1804.
Hamilton Monument 1806 Nmonument Erected In 1806 At The Spot Where Alexander Hamilton Was Shot By Aaron Burr At Weehawken New Jersey 11 July 1804 Engraving After A Painting By James Ward 19Th Century
This postcard, mailed in 1919, features the boulder on which Alexander Hamilton purportedly rested his head after being mortally wounded by Burr. The site depicted here is not the precise site of the duel, however. The boulder was moved from its original spot to make way for train tracks. And today, the bust of Hamilton sits upon a pedestal, with the boulder sitting behind it.(Source:
Weehawken dueling grounds
Weehawken dueling grounds
Historical marker in Weehawken, New Jersey at the site of the Hamilton-Burr duel (Simon Leigh Alamy Stock Photo)
Death Rock behind the Alexander Hamilton bust.
Pistols used in Hamilton-Burr duel
Statues of Alexander Hamilton (foreground) and Aaron Burr with dueling pistols, Museum of American Finance, New York.
Terese Loeb Kreuzer/Alamy